
Studio Update: Dillinger Escape Plan

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Here’s a recent update by Dillinger Escape Plan about their new album, posted on their myspace:

We start official album tracking this week in the secret underground recording location in Alaska.

Ben is flying there. Probably first class. Maybe a private jet. Cause he rolls like that. Honestly I think it’s because he wants to get there a couple days before me and Liam get there cause he needs those days of peace. We’re gonna fight one another and Steve Evetts battle royale style probably for about 90% of the time.

Liam and I are driving there because we’re fucking crusty and don’t give a fuck and we’ll probably have more adventures driving anyway. Or we’ll kill one another/ourselves because:

A) we’re both assholes
B) we have vowed to not sleep the entire time by any means necessary and he has fucking narcolepsy anyway and may fall asleep behind the wheel
C) after “Dyer’s Eve” plays for the five hundredth time with the stereo dimed he will hurl himself from the car
D) after the five hundredth Bjork song I will hurl myself from the car

Igl Aronesh

Regular updates from the studio soon. If you see me and Liam on the highway do not engage us. We are basically more or less gonna be rock n roll zombie after the first 24 hours of non-stop driving and will probably run you off the road.

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