
All Time Low studio update

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Here’s some recent news by Jack of All Time Low about their upcoming album:

?Tis Jack Barakt writing you from my humble abode here at SOMD studios in Beltsville, MD. I wanted to fill everyone in on the latest shindigs going down in the studio!

This winter, we demoed a bunch of songs for our upcoming record with one of our producers, Paul. We spent a good time listening to these demos in order to decide which songs we wanted to keep and what songs had parts we just wanted to keep. With all this, prepro has been very exciting! For those of you who aren?t down with the studio lingo, ?prepro? is a shortened form of the word Preproduction. This is the stage in which the bands and their producer (or in our case, producerS), sit and work out their songs and arrangements. We are at the helm of Mr. Matt Squire and Mr. Paul Leavitt in constructing, destructing, dissecting, bisecting, and rebuilding songs. For instance, many of you guys have already heard our songs ?Let it Roll? and ?Dear Maria. What you guys heard were the songs at their very first stage and now that we are in the studio, we have reworked some parts and we think they are golden. Prepro is probably one of the funnest parts of recording because its where you actually see the songs come together. We?ve also written a buttload of songs in here too, so its going peachy.

Other than that, we?ve bought a handful of groceries to keep our bellies full, Zack got the new bowflex for his abdominal exercises, and I?ve rediscovered my long lost love for the game Zelda. BYEAH!

We also played with the All American Rejects last night ? they are sweet dudes. We played some bball with them and totally owned them, old school. If you have any pictures from last night, post it in our blog too!

That is all. Leave us comments about the first time you saw/heard us!

PS ? I have a new found love. There is a new vitamin water flavor named after yours truly, called Jackfruit. Rejoice!

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