Craig Owens, lead singer of Chiodos, gives us an update on the progress of their upcoming album, Bone Palace Ballet, as well as him being featured on the upcoming The Devil Wears Prada album. Read more in his post below:
i am safely here in Lexington, Kentucky writing and recording the new Chiodos record Bone Palace Ballet. we have been here for a week now, and will be until around June 25th. we couldn’t be having more fun if we tried, and everything is coming along so beautifully with the new record. a masterpiece from/in our own minds.
i am currently reading Chucky P’s(Chuck Palahniuk) new book “Rant”, which I believe to be his best novel so far. i suggest that you go pick it up from your local bookstore (preferably a locally owned bookstore) and indulge for a bit.
today, i drive to indiana to see my entourage(the devil wears prada), and to sing a bit on their new record(which by the way, rules!).
so to close this novel of a news post…
have a great memorial weekend everyone, and smile twice for me today!