Eric Victorino Leaves Strata
Eric Victorino, lead singer, leaves Strata for other artistic endeavors. Read more in his own words:
following a very long period of careful consideration it is with a heavy heart but a newfound lightness in my soul, i’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for me to leave strata and move on with other artistic endeavors.
as part of the band i got the opportunity to travel to multiple countries, play shows all over the place, meet great people and get to know the streets of so many cities from coast to coast… i am so grateful for everyone’s support and love and am indebted to you all for so much i could never repay, my only hope is that we’ll all look fondly back and smile. i am thankful to everyone who came to shows throughout the years, everyone who supported the band emotionally, personally and professionally. thank you for all of the magical moments and memories i will forever cherish.
i will continue to love and support my friends hrag, adrian and ryan in whatever it is they choose to do next, be it as a group or as individuals, musically or otherwise – we each look to the future with optimism and are in the highest of spirits.
i have watched friends of mine leave their respective bands and have seen these things take such ugly turns with rumors and rampant speculation, i’ve seen people stir up drama in what really should be looked at as a positive thing… so, i’m asking nicely of everyone involved, from fans and friends to business and family please let this be a time of growth and evolution, a celebration of the past eight years and anticipation of what’s to come.
thank you for listening.
Fuck you.
i loved ur music, but at the end of the day you must all do what makes u happy
Strata was a great band…emphasis on ‘was’.